Monday, May 24, 2010

Tap Water

Is bottled water cleaner and tastier than tap water ?

no because tap and bottled water are ususaly the same or sometimes tap water is even dirtier

Bottled water is made in a factory and when the bottles are put in someone elses backyard.

To help solve the bottled water problem I could stop buying so much bottled water,only when i need to.


Are you a person who usually listens to music and studies ?

Somtimes it depends on what type of music but usually not, id just have the tv on or something.

I forget my score but it was okay because i only did pretty bad on the different types of music.

Where there any kinds of music that distracted you more than others ?

yes the hip hop kind because it was like really loud.
If there was something more entertaining I think the scores would have improved more.

profile penality

Have You Ever Posted something online that you regreted ?


Alyssa:hurt her friend,a lost her that day
