Friday, February 11, 2011

Things To Do When Ur bored..

1.Narrate you or a friends life in third person

2.Attempt to find Nemo

2.See how long you can hold breath

3.Make an awesome rap song

4.Do a prank call to a random pizza place

5.Annoy the next person that walks by.

6.Have a dance party

7.Try to mimic a celeberty

8.pretend that your a celeberty

9.Spin in circles till you puck

10.Design a park or anything you want.

Scratch | Project | dpayne188 race car

Scratch | Project | dpayne188 race car

Scratch | Project | dpayne188 race car

Scratch | Project | dpayne188 race car

Friday, February 4, 2011

Extra Credit Public Rights

1. 1. Why should people have right to public assembly (to gather in one place for a reason)?
People should have rights to public assembly,because it gives us a right to be free.Everything is always wrapped around the goverment,the law,ect,and often we can never say our side because no one will listen,we are tied down.So our only option is to express of feelings of that problem in a way that mostly everyone will listen.We tell the public,that way everyone will listen.We live in this world too.We also have rights and will take any matters to get our point accross.

2. How exactly do you think technology helped protestors in the Middle East to assemble (Hint: think about texting, Facebook and Twitter)?
I think it helped them because,well since it's 2011 most if not all of society uses technology,so therefore if someone uses the power of the internet.Most likely a lot of people will see it.

3. February is Black History Month. How did public assembly help the civil rights movement
Public assembly helped the civil rights movement because even though they didn't have internet,they still went on strike and got the public's attention the old school way.That way many people got the message that black people wearn't being treated fairly.

4. What would the civil rights movement have looked like if they had the Internet and cell phones?
Everything would have gone so much smoother,because they could have gotten the message accross so much quicker,but not clearer.